An American Looks At American Suicide

Dr. Dad Bod
3 min readMay 31, 2024


Thank you, and I am sorry

I am not talking about an individual here.

I am talking about how America, as a nation, is killing itself.

Yesterday, a former president of our country, Donald Trump, was convicted of 34 felonies.

The reaction from a large percentage of his many adherents was “Justice has died in America”. They weren’t in the courtroom, yet the knee jerk assumption is the entire justice system is now corrupt. These same adherents saw and heard the same man incite an attack on our own Capitol and justify it. They didn’t feel that the invaders and their orange-haired catalyst were guilty of anything, yet when Trump was found guilty by a jury, like the sheep in Orwell’s animal farm, they regurgitated the comforting mantra: “Justice has died in America”. These same adherents heard Donald Trump say “There were very fine people on both sides” during a riot in Charlottesville, Virginia. One of the “sides” was comprised completely of neo-Nazis, yet they insist Trump didn’t compliment Nazis. These same adherents heard Donald Trump beg a governor to fabricate votes for him, and excused it. These same adherents heard Trump tell Bob Woodward, the man who helped bring down Nixon, that he deliberately understated the dangers of Covid, and excused it. These same adherents danced for joy when the Supreme Court took it upon themselves to overturn Roe vs Wade, yet when their god was found guilty, it’s the justice system that failed, not a repercussion of his philandering. These same adherents expound on the importance of religious piety, but endorse a man whose entire life has made a mockery of essentially any doctrine of any religion. These same adherents jumped on board Trump’s ludicrous, verifiably false assertions that the last presidential election was “stolen” from him, yet blindly trash the entire justice system when he was found guilty.

In essence, a large number of Americans have decided that no matter what evidence you show them that Donald Trump is a despicable human being and the shittiest president in American history , they aren’t going to listen. In fact, any condemnation of Trump only strengthens their resolve to follow him like lemmings.

I am definitely biased. I hate Trump. I think he is the ultimate narcissist- the rich boy who has run through life wantonly destroying others and hiding behind his wall of money. So, yes, I am happy any time he is unhappy. Any time his ego gets shredded- I love it.

But, I don’t love how a country that has so much promise is going down, and let’s not pretend it isn’t. There were already veiled and not so veiled threats of violence due to this. People dig into their side of arguments in America not because they agree, but because they are afraid the other side might win if they don’t.

In America, a pop singer can’t show up at a football game without it causing a political rift, and a Catholic man can’t give a graduation speech at a Catholic university without the same rift arising. If you believe in climate change, you are a liberal snowflake, and if you don’t you are an uneducated troglodyte.

Enemies of America must be dancing a jig as we self destruct- and over what? Trump and Biden?

There are people in the ground who gave their all for the ideals of this improbable country, only to have us disrespect their ultimate sacrifice for sheer obstinacy. And, the worst part is that the politicians we vote into office refuse to be the voice of reason and instead fan the flames of political conformity in order to maintain their own comfortable status.

I always thought that the Unites States would someday resemble Europe with separate countries instead of states.

I just didn’t think it would happen this quickly and because of these people.

But it has.



Dr. Dad Bod

I am a husband, father, teacher, and soccer coach, and aspiring writer residing in Northern Virginia. More than anything, I love having fun and pushing myself!